Wednesday 25 May 2011

Process - Cept

In the last year or so I've had emails from people asking me about my painting techniques, the main questions seem to be around the overall appearance of my paintings, some people have described the surface of my work as having a 'unique' quality, and wanted to find out if this is down to the materials I use and how to I approach a new piece of work.

So rather than trying to explain in words, I have attached the below 'Stage by Stage' demonstartion from a painting I did in 2010 called 'Cept' aswell as the finished piece

Hope this helps give some insight into my working methods.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Me in the studio

Heres are some images that were taken of me in the studio whilst working. They were used in an interview/feature for the website

Bael: Video / Feature

Here is the link to a feature/interview that was made by about me and my art

BAEL (Michael)